Webinar: Genetically Improved Food & Agri Products and Regulatory Realities

Looking to understand the deep tech and innovation trends in food and agriculture?
A curated panel of industry experts (from Traitomic, Nature’s Fynd and Food Law Science & Partners) will share their unique knowledge and experience with trait development, exploring specifically how it can be leveraged within food and agriculture and how companies can navigate the current regulatory aspects around it.
Learn more about:
- What trait development is and how it can be leveraged within the food and agriculture space
- Specific tools that exist that can improve raw materials both naturally & through GMO technologies
- How companies can navigate the current regulatory aspects around trait development
- FIND-IT: Traitomic’s proprietary non-GM trait development technology
- The unique knowledge and first-hand experiences from our expert panel
Join us for this interactive session on the 29th of November at 2pm CET! If you can't make it, register to get the replay in HD.
Register HERE

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